stainless steel, aluminum composite panel
22′ x 26′ x 21′
Permanent installation: Plaza de Fundación, San Pedro Creek Culture Park
In collaboration with Stuart Allen
Creek Lines is a stainless steel sculpture located at the San Pedro Creek Culture Park’s Plaza de Fundación. 30 stainless pipes, bent in the shape of San Pedro Creek’s course, undulate upward to meet a reflective canopy. The canopy is an abstraction of the San Pedro Creek Watershed, which funnels water to the sculpture’s creek shaped void during rain events.
At the center of San Antonio’s history, San Pedro Creek has literally shaped the city. It has guided the movement of its inhabitants for over 300 years, forming a complex weave of migratory, urban, and ecological pathways. We want visitors to the San Pedro Creek Culture Park to consider the importance of this line, and its relationship to San Antonio’s rich cultural legacy.
Construction Video & Interview
Commissioning Agency:
San Antonio River Authority with funding from Bexar County
Structural Design Consulting, Wimberley, TX
River City Industries, San Antonio
Lytex Welding, San Antonio
Tube-Tec Bending, Houston
Kuest Corp, San Antonio
Etched, Kansas City
CSM Concrete Coatings, San Antonio
Cade Bradshaw and Stuart Allen