stainless steel
16′ x 12′ x 1″
Permanent installation: Confluence Park
Designed with Stuart Allen
This cut steel graphic represents the creeks and rivers of the San Antonio River Watershed. Water falling inside the boundaries of a watershed flows downstream towards a common outlet. Rainfall as far north as Kerr and Bandera counties travels along the Medina, Cibolo, San Antonio, and Guadalupe Rivers before terminating at San Antonio Bay on the Gulf of Mexico. Quenching the thirst of people, plants, and animals along its course, the San Antonio River and its many tributaries are an essential part of life in Central and South Texas.
Confluence Park is a destination for learning and recreation, inspiring visitors while teaching environmental science and sustainability. In 2019 the park was honored by the American Institute of Architects Institute Honor Award for Architecture, one of nine recipients in the country. The award program celebrates the best contemporary architecture and highlights the many ways buildings and spaces can improve lives.